Links and dealer information.
Contact our dealers
We recommend you order through one of the dealers listed here.
However, feel free contact me directly to discuss custom metalwork, or engraving, bagpipe profiles or wood selection.
Links to bagpipe & bagpipe related websites:
-, ping info, retailers, etc.,
Bob The biggest piping web resource
The Piping Centre ,THE Centre for piping information, expert tuition, & a place to stay in Glasgow.
- , John Bradley teaches & plays around NYC. & NJ
Bagpipe Journey, a useful and informative site about piping, run by Andrew Lenz.
- Caber Records produces bagpipe music and traditional Scottish folk music available for MP3 download.
-, Omar Henderson has done research into bore oils, and products for maintaining reeds.
-, Incredible old school hand cut engraving
- information on Blackwood in Tanzania
Lyons College, Arkansas, PM Jimmy bell, MacLellan chanters and pipes
The wood data base. Technical information on the woods we use.